Current Teaching Schedule, 2024-2025

My 2024 schedule is all FULLY ONLINE asynchronous, using WebAssign for etext, assignments, tests:

Summer 2024: Algebra II, Calculus II, Calculus III (Math 095, 152, 153)
Fall 2024: Two Calculus II and one Calculus III (Math 152, 152, 153)
Winter 2025: Algebra II and two Calculus II (Math 095, 152, 152)
Spring 2025: Algebra I, Algebra II, Calculus II (Math 090, 095, 152)

Serving on the Clark College Universal Design for Learning (UDL) committee. My committee project this year is to collect list of docs published by the college for faculty to share with students but that do not pass Canvas accessibility check.


Teaching Highlights & Curriculum Development - eLearning

Lots of updates due here!

2021 spring develop and teach corequisite college algebra course.

2020 summer At University of Phoenix served as the SME during a major upgrade to the Foundations of Geometry course.

Sabbatical Fall 2018 <-- To be added!

Milestone: taught over 250 online mathematics classes.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, and University of Phoenix Online, 2015
Hit another milestone mid-year by teaching my 250th online mathematics class.

Sabbatical & JIT <-- To be added!

Became a certified Quality Matters certified Peer Reviewer and Publisher Reviewer.
Quality Matters, Annapolis MD, 2012-02-16
Completed three workshops and coursework to become a Quality Matters certified online course Peer Reviewer and a certified online materials Publisher Reviewer.

Milestone: taught over 100 online mathematics classes with students from every continent.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, and University of Phoenix Online, 2010
Hit a milestone winter term by teaching my 100th online mathematics class. Classes have included students from every continent (including Antarctica). Over this decade my online classes have become increasingly interactive and collaborative driven by asynchronous discussions, team assignments, shared open resources (OER), and personal learning networks (PLN). New innovations each term! My Mathematics Online Web is the jumping off point for students.

Developed and taught the premiere fully-online Calculus I-II-III courses in the northwest.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, 2009
Developed the first three courses of the four-quarter Calculus for STEM sequence. This is the first non-hybrid fully online (non-Business) Calculus course every offered in the northwest. Transformed to a Mathematica-based course in fall 2011.

Coordinated and grew the Clark mathematics distance learning program.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, 2005-present
Coordinate the mathematics online/hybrid courses including mentoring faculty, planning the class schedule, choosing e-textbooks and software. Developed and maintain the Clark Mathematics Online Program website. My teaching schedule was full online by 2006. By 2010 the department offered about twenty math classes in elearning format each term, fifteen faculty teaching elearning maths classes, and I had personally had students from every continent (including Antarctica) take my online classes.

Authored online mathematics lessons which were later published as e-books.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, 1999, 2006
Authored materials for online mathematics courses in 1999 including complete online lessons, screencasted examples, podcasted lectures, blog, wiki, open-ended discussion questions, and pools of test questions. Many of the written materials were published in 2006 as the GOLDen Mathematics series of algebra e-books.

Instituted the Clark mathematics distance learning program.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, 1999
First to develop and teach online mathematics classes at Clark. Advocated for funding, equipment, support, and contractual changes in order to grow the program. Over the next decade developed online algebra I-II-III, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, college algebra, trigonometry, liberal arts mathematics, and calculus I-II-III, and transitioned courses from SpeakEasy to Blackboard (free) to Blackboard (paid) to MoodleRooms Joule to Canvas to WaMap.

Teaching Highlights & Curriculum Dev. - Home-Education

Development of homeschool health class "Effects of DES". <-- To be added!

To be added!

Homeschooling High School.
Our homeschool, Columbia Heights Academy, Kalama WA 2015
Home-educating my teen daughter during the High School years presents a new challenge to my brain. Not only do I have to take or re-take courses in order to be capable of teaching the class to her (e.g. Chemistry, Sign Language, Sketching), but I have to challenge my abilities as an educator to find interesting assignments and relevant resources. With over thirty years of teaching under my belt, I am finding there are things I need to change in my college classroom based on what I learn in our homeschool so as to best help this current generation of learners in the digital age.

Homeschool outreach "Mad Math"classes. <-- To be added!

Sabbatical #1 and #2. <-- To be added!

Began home-educating my child.
Our homeschool, Columbia Heights Academy, Kalama WA 2004
The reason I mention this is because of the profound effect it had on how I teach. Home-educating my daughter one-on-one has taught me, among other things, how important it is to be flexible in schedule and explanation, how to incorporate hands-on experiences and multi-subject content into a lesson quickly and effectively, and frankly that some traditional teaching methods simply do not best support true learning.

Teaching Highlights & Curriculum Dev. - Face-to-Face classes

Developed and taught intense algebra review course.
Clark College, Vancouver WA 2001
Developed and taught an intense two-week algebra review course intended to help students review entire year of developmental algebra and prepare for college-level algebra.

Faculty Advisor for the two-year college honor society Phi Theta Kappa
Clark College Chapter, 1997-2001
Served as Faculty Advisor for Alpha Sigma Phi, the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges. Developed the chapter website and established the Thanksgiving Basket program to feed 100+ low-income student families. Supervised travel for five student members to attend the PTK International Convention in Anaheim, California, where our chapter was awarded high honours for our service projects.

Developed premier websites for the Clark College mathematics division, the Washington Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, and to support my own classes.
Clark College, Vancouver WA, 1996, 1997
Developed the Clark Mathematics Division website, the first departmental website at Clark College and the first website for WAMATYC, the Washington state affiliate of AMATYC. Developed my Clark Faculty Webpage to support my own classes. Continue as webmaster on all three sites to this day.

Team-taught a dynamical systems seminar.
Green River Community College, Auburn WA, 1994
Team-taught a one-quarter intensely graphical dynamical systems course for math and science faculty covering dynamical systems, fractals, and chaos theory.

Incorporated “reform” mathematics into pre-calculus and calculus courses.
Green River Community College, Auburn, Washington 1992
Redesigned my math classes to involve more function analysis from an analytic, numeric, and graphic approach as recommended by the new “reform” math standards. Increased use of graphing calculators and symbolic mathematics system software to improve classroom demonstrations, discussions, and explorations of real-life applications.

Developed and team-taught a cross-disciplinary mathematics anxiety course.
Pierce College, Puyallup WA, 1989-1992
Developed and taught a mathematics anxiety course as a team with a psychology professor. Interactive class that combined mathematics games and activities with therapeutic exercises geared to reduce fear of mathematics in pre-algebra level students.

Redesigned my traditional lecture classes into an active learning inverted classroom.
Pierce College, Puyallup WA 1989
Redesigned my traditional lecture classes into a collaborative active learning inverted ("flipped") classroom (long before Sal Khan coined the phrase). Lessons were provided for pre-class study. Class time involved interactive collaborative (small group) activities and team projects interspersed with 5-10 minute mini-lectures as needed. My role became that of a facilitator aiding students in critical thinking exercises and problem sessions.

Premier faculty at new community college in Washington state.
Pierce College, Puyallup WA, 1987
One of only four faculty staffing the Puyallup annex of Fort Steilacoom Community College (later Pierce College) when it opened in 1987. Developed complete academic programs and degrees. Helped in designing eventual campus building in Puyallup.

Developed and taught intense three-term calculus course in eleven weeks.
Mount Hood Community College, Gresham OR, 1987
Developed and taught the three-term calculus for engineers and scientists course (calculus I-II-III) as an intense eleven-week summer class that met five days per week for five hours per day. Students were under contract to have few outside commitments.

Taught large-section mathematics class using small-group projects.
Portland State University, Portland OR, 1985
Taught a section of finite mathematics with an enrollment of 225 students using small-group projects that I authored rather than the traditional lecture mode.

Team-taught college arithmetic course at age 20.
Mount Hood Community College, Gresham OR, 1983
Co-instructors coordinated lessons, activities, and assessments while teaching class in alternating evening sessions. This opportunity lead to 40 years in the teaching profession.